Meet the Team

[subtitle][/subtitle][one_half last=”false”][ourteam img=”” name=”Phillip Reid” title=”Partner & Senior Financial Planner” text=”Phil is a qualified adviser with over 20 years’ experience in banking, financial services and financial planning. He has been a financial adviser since 2000, working for Westpac Financial Planning and Genesys Wealth Advisers prior to joining BT Select in May 2015. He joined with Brogan & Scaltrito Chartered Accountants in March 2009, and has specialised in aged care for the last four years prior to forming Sydney Aged Care Financial Advisers.

Phil’s favourite part of his work is to help ease the administrative burden on family members experiencing the aged care journey for the first time.”][icon name=”linkedin” link=”” link_class=”linkedin”][icon name=”envelop-3″ size=”18px” link=”” link_class=”dribble”][icon name=”file-pdf” size=”18px” link=””  link_class=”dribble”][/ourteam][quote Text=”My role is to get the best financial outcome so the family can concentrate on what is most important: giving emotional support to their loved one.” name=”Phil” name_sub=””][/one_half]

[one_half last=”true”][ourteam img=”” name=”Michael Johnson” title=”Senior Financial Adviser” text=”Michael has been a financial adviser at Sydney Aged Care and BSR Financial Advisers since December 2009.

Michael has focused his attention on the specialist area of aged care financial advice. He believes it is an area that is under represented by advisers but provides a lot of value to his clients and the community.”][icon name=”linkedin” link=”” link_class=”linkedin”][icon name=”envelop-3″ size=”18px” link=”” link_class=”dribble”][icon name=”file-pdf” size=”18px” link=””  link_class=”dribble”][/ourteam][quote Text=”I love creating strategies that save people money. By minimising age care fees and maximising any pension entitlements, we can help stop the financial stress. That’s powerful” name=”Mike” name_sub=””][/one_half]


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